Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ponies and Guns

So my project over the weekend consisted of repainting a few pony conversions and finishing out the unit by fully painting six more. It should be noted that these were not actually made by me, but Angry Richard.While he was busy modifying the shit out of a maulerfiend, I was left to paint parts of these old models and finish the rest that he managed to scrap together previously. These three models came to me already painted:

For the record, I generally hate orange.
All your base are belong to... well, not you.

 I was asked to repaint their footies and weapons to something more... ghostly. Meh, not hard to repaint the ones already done, but the six others were only primed and for consistency's sake I needed (or rather wanted) the others to look like they were painted in the same manner as the others. Again, not too hard to do, especially considering the majority of the armor was black and silver, and I was told how the previous ones were done and the colors used. So, the other six went something like this:

I'm still not sure if I'm a huge fan of how the weapons turned out, the colors just seem a little... strange. They're okay and match those lovely feets, but the flat color isn't doing it for me and I wasn't sure what else to do and wanted to be done with them. Not that it's too late to fix, but... meh. Suggestions welcome for next time.

I feel like fist weapons are kind of a bad idea when
you're on a horse. Or... are a horse.

The repainting of the original three went well, and when finished they ran with the rest fairly seamlessly. Of course, those two still need bases, but that isn't quite something I want to do yet, and it wasn't exactly in my job description when these were thrust on me.

Yeah, the painting turned out great and all, but the best part of this project wasn't even the end result. Being the kind soul that he is, Richard let me paint in one of my favorite words onto the chest of one of the models:

Yeah, that's right.
So these will end up at Feast of Blades in Denver this weekend among other glorious conversions Richard has made for his list. I also managed to acquire a tank, and will be painting that soon to play around with weathering and battle damage. The Warmachine Cygnar group is still on hold for the present moment, and the blending practice trygon is getting there... eventually. 

Warhammer is also managing to work its way into my studio art classes, and I'm currently working on making a small bolter pistol in Metalsmithing.... More to come on that soon.

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